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Craft Gin Club selects Gin 1689 as Gin of the Month

Craft Gin Club selects Gin 1689 as Gin of the Month

The Craft Gin Club, the UK’s largest gin community with over 100.000 members; selected Gin 1689 as their Gin of the Month for October 2019.

This is the first time a Dutch gin brand has been selected as one of their annual 12 brands.  Not only is this a boost for 1689’s brand awareness but Craft gin Club members get the opportunity to taste a gin based on a recipe from when the gin craze started 300 years ago!

Craft Gin Club comments; “We feel very fortunate to be living through the gin-aissance, a period of time where our favourite spirit seems to be going from strength to strength. From the boom of craft distillers to the masterful mixology of bartenders across the country, the world is only getting better for British gin lovers.’’

Craft Gin Club continues; “But this isn’t the first time in British history that gin has made headlines. In fact, way back in 1689, it was the toast of the town thanks to William of Orange, a Dutchman whose coronation as King of England made ‘Dutch courage’ the must-have tipple of the time. We are very happy to offer our members the authentic gin and bring them back 300 years!

Alexander from 1689 couldn’t be happier with the finished product, or more excited for Craft Gin Club members to taste the gin he spent 18 months hunting through the annuls of history to find. As he says, “In the UK, you can find some bars that are 500 years old. You sit at the bar with a gin and can’t help but think that 350 years ago, people were sitting at the same bar, drinking the same drink! It brings history back to life.

For more info on Craft Gin Club & Gin 1689.

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